SuperGIZ is a project focused on designing customised 3D printed prostheses.

The SuperGIZ Project is an Autofabricantes original idea, which collaborates with Medialab-Prado association.

Five families from different areas in the north of Spain met in December 2018 with engineering students, occupational therapists, and designers who volunteered to design arm and leg prosthesis to make the family’s everyday lives easier. The project, originally presented by the Autofabricantes association from the MediaLab-Prado (Madrid), was first presented in Asturias by our MediaLab. Five families who had participated in Gijón SuperGIZ joined us. More than 50 people worked during the first semester of the year to make the family’s everyday lives easier.

El Comercio video LNE news
Lucas en La Sexta
We keep on working

Superheroes was born out of the necessity to continue with the prostheses made in SuperGIZ: improvements in the design of the gadgets, in the adapters for arm and legs, in the materials, and also in the training of the team. We want families to be able to design their own prosthesis, taking their own measurements and accessing the latest research, designs, and materials for their prosthesis. We want the project to grow with you. Being an engineering/design student is NOT a requisite. Would you like to join us?

Go to Superheroes website