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Positive Impact Award 2023

And what does it mean to have a positive impact? It means being committed, not only to having a good academic record, but also to society. The call was aimed at students studying any of the courses taught at the University of Oviedo's own centres. The winner, Javier Gancedo, received recognition with a sculpture by the young Asturian artist Carla Fanjul Huergo, a graduate of the Oviedo art school, as well as a €1,000 prize, which will be donated to CÁRITAS. The candidatures were evaluated according to the following criteria: ● Currículo social. Participation in social activities with NGOs or associations with a clear positive impact on Asturian society: 50% weight of the final assessment. ● University curriculum. Participation in university life: student associations, sports associations, university governing bodies, etc.: weight of 30% of the final assessment. Academic curriculum. Qualifications obtained in undergraduate, postgraduate and/or master's degree studies: weight of 20% of the final assessment.

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Alfonso Díaz


2023-07-13 - El Comercio Cáritas es parte de mi vida, colaborar con ellos es mi necesidad

2023-07-13 - El Comercio La 'tercera misión' de la Universidad de Oviedo

2023-07-13 - La Nueva España Javier Gancedo, el universitario "diez" de Asturias: buen estudiante y solidario aplicado

2023-07-13 - La Nueva España Javier Gancedo, un ejemplo de solidaridad y esfuerzo: "Colaborar se vuelve una necesidad"

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2023-07-13 - Universidad de Oviedo El estudiante Javier Gancedo Verdejo recibe el Premio Impacto Positivo de la Universidad de Oviedo

2023-02-09 - La Nueva España Un premio al compromiso social de los universitarios

2023-02-09 - El Comercio Gijón elevará a un millón de euros su aportación anual a la Universidad de Oviedo

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2023-02-08 - Gente digital La cátedra MediaLab premiará al estudiante de la Universidad de Oviedo 'más solidario'

Partner Entities

Ayuntamiento de Gijón

Compromiso Asturias XXI

Fundación Caja Rural de Asturias