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Recycled PLA key chains

We use the leftover material generated in the printing laboratory.

We are studying the feasibility of creating key rings with recycled PLA without having a high environmental impact.

Every month, about 10 Kg of PLA (polylactic acid) material is used in the laboratory and due to printing errors, a considerable amount is wasted.

_ We select material that can be easily converted into pellets and grind it with a blender at low speed.

_ We fill silicone molds with pellets and melt them at 392ºF. At the end, we eliminate plastic bangs, polish and pierce the piece.



Saray Gancedo María Ramírez de Verger Cuyás Iván Graña Lorena Ferreiro Lucía Rodríguez Ana González


Ramón Rubio

Partner Entities

Ayuntamiento de Gijón